During long time Mas Oyama trained intensively in the Dojo Funakoshi's at the university of Takushoku and became with twenty years Yondan. Oyama its knowledge in the Judosport and it deepened from then on became likewise Yondan in less than four years. In the process of these years the Gojuryu aroused the interest, which exercised this discipline during approx. 2 years with Mas Oyama. 1946 went the 23-year Oyama with its friend Yashiro on the mountain Miobu in Japan, because they were inspired of the famous Musashi writings. In the mountains, in complete separatingness, the two trained untiringly. After a half year however Yashiro left the isolation, but Oyama continued to train, 12 hours on the day at night maintained it in the light of the candle its body or played on a Japanese bamboo flute. After 14 months also Oyama left the mountain completely prepared for the national championships in Japan, which he also won .