Sensei Peter Steinmann 4. Dan
To 25.10. 1957 I was born in Luzern. 1958 came my brother Arthur to the world and terminated thereby my time as "however under owner" of my parents. From then on we sang in a pure "man choir", until our sister Monika completed 1960 the Trio.
With 5 years I got finally the chance to demonstrate my singing arts with a solo appearance in the city cellar Luzern of a broader public. Before however the first disk contract could be signed, I "suddenly" out mine dreams cleverly..... and had for some years the school bench to press. At this time my interests shifted into the sporty range. Together with school and training I spent much time with art doing gymnastics, soccer games and water-tower-jump. These kinds of sport alone did not satisfy me however, so that I me to my "early singing career" back-reminded and own volume wanted to base.
My musical career failed however again because of the "bitter" reality: For me the entrance waited in the working life. During the teachings the unfair sporting section of my life began for me. But explored I mean environment in each free minute on two wheels.
In the autumn I discovered 1975 on one of my trips of posters of the first BRUCE LEE film. My curiosity was waked; I three times one behind the other visited the film with my colleagues. From then on was clear: Instead of singers I wanted to become now Kung Fu star.
Thus I looked for Luzern in the directory for a karate school lain in the proximity, found the Kyokushin karate school and beginning "as to be trained wildly". My interest of music reduced thereby on the winter term: had I mean "Live appearances" 15 years long as Obergugger of the Ronfaeger. The karate fever did not release me however. I had mean sport found.
Already soon first successes adjusted themselves. My goal was Japan. When I could participate 1979 to the WM in Tokyo, I decided on the home journey to return there as soon as I had made sufficient money for a longer stay with piece-work....
But again the "normal" life caught up me. I fell in love and had from then on only a thought: I wanted to marry this woman and create a family. 1980 were born our first daughter, Ramona, and 1983 followed our second daughter, Fabienne.
Thus placed I mean Japan goals into the background, never however karate. Beside family and occupation work as department managers at the company Geser I trained and trained myself further in karate and gave also instruction at the karate school of Shihan Peter von Rotz in Luzern.
At the beginning of 90's-years the desire, its own Dojo moved to open for the first time, a goal in me, which I could carry out in March 1993 with the Dojo opening in Stans. I decided 1996 to make karatethe occupation.
Meanwhile I lead three schools with approx. 300 members and am pleased at the training spirit and at successes of my pupils at national and international matches. With my work as professional carat coaches I can carry out two dreams at the same time: with humans to work and mean sport to exercise.
Sensei Peter Steinmann